AZ League Connection

The League's Monthly Online Newsletter

Issue 207: July 2020

League COVID-19 Online Resource for Cities

As the Covid-19 pandemic is an active, evolving situation, the League continues to host a website of relevant information to serve as a clearinghouse of information regarding the pandemic. The website contains news stories, links to information from all levels of government, a library of Arizona municipal actions on COVID-19 and FAQs. Updates are being provided to intergovernmental relations staff as changes are being made to the website.

Please visit the site here to get up-to-date information:

If you have any questions about the resource or would like to provide information from your city or town, please contact League Staff.

Follow us:

League of Arizona Cities and Towns
1820 W Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007

Phone: 602-258-5786
Fax: 602-253-3874