Mayor Anna Tovar, City of Tolleson
Name, title & city/town: Anna Tovar, Mayor City of Tolleson
Year elected to office: August 2016
Years served as Mayor: Less than 1: In 2016, Mayor Tovar became the first woman to be elected mayor in Tolleson, and the first new mayor in 22 years.
Hometown: Tolleson
1. Why did you decide to serve in local government?
I am driven by my passion to serve my community. Creating a renewed sense of pride for Tolleson motivates me and gives me energy to focus my entire being to putting my community first. I feel blessed to have earned the support of our residents.
2. What are the biggest challenges facing your town today?
I would say Tolleson is not necessarily facing challenges but opportunities, opportunities for the betterment of the entire community. The entire council is on board focused on addressing the need to beautify the community, attract retail opportunities and intensify community engagement.
3. What opportunities do you see for your community?
Reactivating Tolleson's engagement in regional and national efforts is crucial. Tolleson's prime location places it in the middle of a major employment base of the West Valley and is surrounded by three major thoroughfares. These factors, coupled with the ingenuity our staff offers, generate endless opportunities to attract new businesses to the region.
4. What are you most proud of during your time in office?
I have been Mayor of Tolleson for only a few months, but in this short period of time I am proud to say that I led the way to hold our first council and staff strategic planning session. This session allowed us all to get a better understanding of what everyone's personal goals are as council members. I want to encourage and support all of our council members to take a proactive role in the community and on our council. Engaging all of our council members and encouraging them to dwell on our strengths will allow us to be a cohesive unit respectful of our stance on issues our community is faced with.
5. Why is the League important to cities and towns in Arizona?
Being at the state and now returning to serve at the local level, I can see full circle the importance of having the League be that conduit, a driving force of communication on legislative matters. The League provides a great deal of support both at the state and local level.